GIX Smart Contract

The GIX smart contract is an ERC-20 token implementation with additional functionality to mint, burn, and adjust the token’s value through a rebase mechanism. It is central to the GasStation protocol and interacts with other contracts like the Executor and Pool contracts. The token uses Gwei-like units and features an adjustable rebase factor to control the total supply and balance of tokens dynamically.

Key Features

  • ERC-20 Token: Implements the standard ERC-20 token functionality, including minting, burning, and balance checks.

  • Rebase Mechanism: Adjusts the total supply and user balances based on the rebase factor, enabling dynamic changes to the token’s value.

  • Owner-Controlled: Only the contract owner can mint, burn, and change the rebase factor.


mint(address user, uint256 gixShares)

Mints new GIX tokens and assigns them to the specified user. Only the contract owner can call this function.

  • Requirements:

    • Only callable by the owner.

  • Parameters:

    • user: The address receiving the minted GIX tokens.

    • gixShares: The number of GIX shares to mint.

burn(address user, uint256 gixShares)

Burns the specified number of GIX tokens from the specified user. Only the contract owner can call this function.

  • Requirements:

    • Only callable by the owner.

  • Parameters:

    • user: The address whose GIX tokens will be burned.

    • gixShares: The number of GIX shares to burn.


Returns the total number of GIX shares in circulation.

  • Returns: The total GIX share supply.

shareBalanceOf(address account)

Returns the balance of GIX shares for a specific account.

  • Returns: The share balance of the account.


Overrides the ERC-20 totalSupply() function to return the total GIX supply, adjusted by the current rebase factor.

  • Returns: The total GIX supply, adjusted by the rebase factor.

balanceOf(address account)

Overrides the ERC-20 balanceOf() function to return the balance of GIX tokens for a specific account, adjusted by the current rebase factor.

  • Returns: The adjusted GIX balance of the account.

changeRebaseFactor(uint256 newValue)

Allows the contract owner to change the rebase factor, affecting the total supply and balances of all GIX token holders. It emits a RebaseFactorChanged event upon success.

  • Requirements:

    • Only callable by the owner.

  • Parameters:

    • newValue: The new rebase factor to apply.

  • Events: RebaseFactorChanged.


Overrides the ERC-20 decimals() function to return 9 decimals, simulating Gwei-like units.

  • Returns: 9, representing Gwei-like decimal places.


  • RebaseFactorChanged: Emitted when the rebase factor is changed, logging the old and new values.

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